Showing 1 - 25 of 301 Results
The Adventures of a Dog, and a Good Dog Too (Illustrated Edition) (Dodo Press) by Elwes, Alfred, Weir, Harrison ISBN: 9781406525038 List Price: $10.99
From Benguella to the territory of Yacca. Description of a journey into Central and West Afr... by Carlos Hermenegildo, Alfred... ISBN: 9781241330231 List Price: $35.75
How I crossed Africa: from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean ... Translated from the author's... by Alexandre Alberto de Serpa ... ISBN: 9781241517243 List Price: $36.75
How I crossed Africa: from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean ... Translated from the author's... by Alexandre Alberto de Serpa ... ISBN: 9781241514792 List Price: $36.75
Through Spain by Rail in 1872. by Elwes, Alfred ISBN: 9781240930371 List Price: $32.75
From Benguella to the territory of Yacca. Description of a journey into Central and West Afr... by Carlos Hermenegildo, Alfred... ISBN: 9781241330828 List Price: $38.75
Sketch of the Comparative Beauties of the French and Spanish Languages by Morentin, Manuel Martinez D... ISBN: 9781169099906 List Price: $27.96
Adventures of a Cat, and a Fine Cat Too! by Elwes, Alfred, Weir, Harrison ISBN: 9781169229624 List Price: $26.36
Minna Raymond or Self-Sacrifice : A Tale for the Young (1864) by Elwes, Alfred ISBN: 9781166311469 List Price: $23.16
Minna Raymond or Self-Sacrifice : A Tale for the Young (1864) by Elwes, Alfred ISBN: 9781166365639 List Price: $35.16
How I Crossed Africa V2 : The Coillard Family (1881) by Pinto, Serpa, Elwes, Alfred ISBN: 9781166619121 List Price: $29.56
Guy Rivers : Or A Boy's Struggles in the Great World (1862) by Elwes, Alfred, Anelay, Henry ISBN: 9781166616564 List Price: $27.96
How I Crossed Africa V2 : The Coillard Family (1881) by Pinto, Serpa, Elwes, Alfred ISBN: 9781166670696 List Price: $41.56
Guy Rivers : Or A Boy's Struggles in the Great World (1862) by Elwes, Alfred, Anelay, Henry ISBN: 9781166668280 List Price: $39.96
Only a Cat : Or the Autobiography of Tom Blackman (1876) by Paull, H. B., Elwes, Alfred... ISBN: 9781167006067 List Price: $25.56
Only a Cat : Or the Autobiography of Tom Blackman (1876) by Paull, H. B., Elwes, Alfred... ISBN: 9781167121784 List Price: $37.56
Sketch of the Comparative Beauties of the French and Spanish Languages by Morentin, Manuel Martinez D... ISBN: 9781165259533 List Price: $15.96
Key to Mchenry's Spanish Exercises by McHenry, Luis Josef a., McH... ISBN: 9781165409990 List Price: $14.36
Pictures of Comical People, with Stories about Them : For Children of All Ages by Elwes, Alfred, Richard H. H... ISBN: 9781173332242 List Price: $33.75
Adventures of a Bear and a Great Bear Too by Elwes, Alfred ISBN: 9783847213147 List Price: $14.99
Adventures of a Dog, and a Good Dog Too by Elwes, Alfred ISBN: 9783847226635 List Price: $14.99
Concise Dictionary of the English, French, and Italian Languages : Adapted for the Use of St... by Elwes, Alfred, Bradbury and... ISBN: 9781175210180 List Price: $27.75
Adventures of a Cat, and a Fine Cat Too! by Elwes, Alfred ISBN: 9781175826893 List Price: $18.75
From Benguella to the Territory of Yacca V1 : Description of A Journey into Central and West... by Capello, Hermenegildo, Iven... ISBN: 9781164653011 List Price: $31.16
From Benguella to the Territory of Yacca V1 : Description of A Journey into Central and West... by Capello, Hermenegildo, Iven... ISBN: 9781164805892 List Price: $43.16
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